We all want to leave a lasting impression on our wedding. We keep searching for innovative ideas and the latest trends to make the big day memorable for all our guests. You are here means you want more ideas to make a difference. Here are the tips to take your wedding decor to the next […]
Would the owner of a dog be liable for injuries from their dog attacking me
Even the sweetest and most cherished doggy can revert to its feral nature in a quick flash. Of course some dogs will go their entire lives without even a little snap, play-bite or puncture wound of the human flesh. There are roughly 78 million dogs in the United States and only about 1,000 individuals need […]
Finding Leisure Time in a Busy World
The world is a busy place. We run around day after day trying to get things done, sometimes only stopping to sip a glass of wine like Stormwatch. Unfortunately, that only lasts a short time. But there are ways to create a more leisurely lifestyle in a busy world. A Few Leisurely Ideas Prioritize self-care. […]
7 easy ways to reduce emissions and save energy in a UK home
In the current climate, it is now more important than ever to find ways to reduce our impact on the environment, and save money on our energy bills. So, here are 7 easy ways you can do so. Make sure your home is insulated When heating your home, it is important to remember that the […]
How To Make Fried Apples
Whether you’re nostalgic about the flavor of the fried apples that your mom, dad or grandparents used to make you as a child, as a treat or you’re simply looking for a new way to use up your apples, you’ve come to the right place. Simply continue reading to discover a handy guide on how […]